As a trans woman, how to have a date?

To be honest, I never liked dating. For me, dating is something like this, sitting in the coffee shop or bar and waiting for someone nervously. It's like an adventure, because you don't know what's your date look like, what's his character like, and almost everything about him.

When meet each other, you may start to have a conversation, and both want to make a good impression through the conversation. That's sounds idiotic, but many people are happy to do so, including myself. I start to do so, because it's really the best way to meet different people and have a relationship with other people, especially for trans women. As a trans woman, people often ask me questions like "what is dating in your eyes?" I'm very happy to share my experience with you here.

Attracted by trans women doesn't mean they are gay.

I've told my transgender friends before, I wouldn't date with gay. As I know, gay men are often attracted by men. I've spend a lot to remove my hair and make me look like a woman, and why gay men are attracted by women? If you are a gay before and in transition to a woman now, you should realize that gay men can not be your date in the future. Some self-identified gay may still swim in the bisexual pool, but it's a great shame.

Another thing I want to mention is that attraction to trans women can never make a man become a gay. Not every men know about this, sometimes you may need to explain it to men. I met a man in a bar 1 week ago, he asked me about this question, my answer is"no, your attraction to trans women doesn't mean you are a gay." As I mentioned before, every men can be the target of trans women.

Men like you but not respect you.

This is the common question of all women and trans women. Most men like women who are forever slim, beautiful and young, this kind of women only live in their imagination. I'm chatting with a man on the trans dating app when I'm sweeping the floor or cleaning my room. I'm not a Victoria’s Secret model, and I will never please a man by giving a sexy posture.

It's also very important to know if the man is willing to meet you in public places. Some men would not even acknowledge that they like trans women in public.

As a trans woman, you need to respect yourself firstly, then you may be respected by other people.

Ways of dating.

Dating is a matter of personal preference. Many girls choose a trans dating app and disclose their personal information(I'm a trans woman). Of course, I will tell my date about who I am before dating. It's a great chance to know whether he is willing to date a trans woman.

Another way is to the ‘trans’ filter on trans dating apps. This is a way to ensure the man who chat with you is looking for trans women or the admirer of trans women.